Meet Me in Sacred Space with Lori A Andrus

The Meet Me in Sacred Space Podcast is your place for reconnecting with your authentic self and creating an adventurous, vibrant, and spirit-filled life. Join Lori A Andrus as she gets raw and real sharing personal stories and practical ways to experience the sacred in your everyday life. Listen in to discover practical guidance, crystal wisdom, sacred practices and rituals that will help you courageously live your sacred path! Grab a cup of tea. Light a candle. Get cozy. And let’s dive in.
Friday Jan 06, 2023
#120 - Your 2023 Crystal Allies - the full forecast
Friday Jan 06, 2023
Friday Jan 06, 2023
Happy New Year!
Happy Full Moon!
Today we mark the first full moon of 2023. It's a BIG one!
This is a great time to release what is complete from last year (or maybe even other times in life). You can do this with both the energetic and the physical stuff. Letting stuff go creates space . . . to breathe, to welcome new people, opportunities, and experiences, and to simply BE.
Not sure where to start?
I always feel like life supports us in natural ways, lighting up the places and spaces where we've been holding tightly to things that have passed their time.
As we crossed the threshold into the new year I found myself digging into the far corners of closets and cleaning them out. That led to me to unraveling some old stories and along the way my husband joined in by clearing out some of his own clutter.
Black Tourmaline is showing up as the crystal of the month for January. This potent ally has a lot to say about keeping our space and energy fresh and shiny. I felt like it was helping me out with all of my house cleaning, rearranging, and letting go.
While this week's episode goes in a bit of a different direction, I do share each of the 2023 monthly crystal allies. These allies are pretty amazing and I'm so happy they are lighting the way for us this year. I look forward to hearing your stories and experiences along the way.
- Citrine Messages for 2023 -
- Replay of the Live Crystal Forecast Reading -
- Sanctuary Circle -
- Download Crystal Forecast Recap pdf Here:
Friday Dec 30, 2022
#119 - 3 Messages from Citrine - 2023 Crystal of the Year
Friday Dec 30, 2022
Friday Dec 30, 2022
Since doing the 2023 Annual Crystal Forecast Reading just before the holidays, I have been listening closely to the messages and insights each crystal has to share.
It is interesting to feel the energy of the earth rise up and be expressed through each of these allies.
Citrine is the 2023 Crystal of the Year.
Its luminous hues have been getting my attention through both imagery and messages. This happy crystal has a lot to say about how to let our light shine brightly in the coming year.
In this week's episode of the Meet Me in Sacred Space Podcast I share 3 core messages from Citrine.
Catch the Full 2023 Crystal Forecast replay here:
Join us in the Sanctuary Circle. Sign up here:
Sunday Dec 25, 2022
#118 - 2023 EnergeticThemes
Sunday Dec 25, 2022
Sunday Dec 25, 2022
This is a clip from the 2023 Crystal Forecast Reading.
Sign up for the full replay here:
Wednesday Dec 14, 2022
#117 - 3 Soulful Rituals to bring 2022 to a Sacred Close
Wednesday Dec 14, 2022
Wednesday Dec 14, 2022
As 2022 winds down, I find myself sinking deeper into reflection. Looking back over the events of this past year . . . recognizing what has been amazing, what has been challenging, and how I have grown through these experiences.
Along the way I found myself called into a couple of simple rituals. I share them in this week's episode of the Meet Me in Sacred Space Podcast. Listen in.
Join me for these upcoming events:
The 2023 Crystal Forecast LIVE Reading. Sign up here:
Winter Solstice Ceremony (December 21). Sign up here:
Explore other events here:
Wednesday Nov 30, 2022
#116 - Get in the Flow
Wednesday Nov 30, 2022
Wednesday Nov 30, 2022
My studio has been buzzing with creative energy for the past couple weeks. I have been busy creating new pieces of jewelry and filming videos for the Foundations of Ceremony class. It has been so much fun! And my house is a delightful creative mess. Haha.
There once was a time when this messy part of the creative process really bugged me. But over the years, as I have come to understand creative cycles and rhythms, I recognize this 'messy phase' as an essential part of sacred creation. Energy expands and contracts. Things fall apart and come back together. New inspiration lands. And then, as if overnight, creations emerge and everything is tidied up again.
Yesterday was that day. I put the finishing touches on a handful of new necklaces and released the final ceremony class. Last night, class wrapped up with a super sweet and rich q+a call. And Chris arrived home in perfect timing to close the day with a bit of conversation and celebration.
Ahh yes . . . lots of happy heart feelings this morning. It feels like such a gift to share the art of ceremony with a dynamic group. And I just love seeing my studio filled with beautiful new adornments ready to be shared.
Want to learn more about my upcoming events or to check out the Journey Jewels jewelry online show?
Learn more here:
Thursday Oct 20, 2022
#115 -Why Ceremony. Why Now.
Thursday Oct 20, 2022
Thursday Oct 20, 2022
Ceremony is the soulful and sacred medicine we need in the world right now.
Years ago, when I started consistently working with ceremony, true change and healing began to unfold in my life.
As I shared it with family, friends, loved ones, and eventually clients and students, I noticed similar experiences for them as well.
Ceremony opens the doorway of connection between the physical and spiritual worlds.
It empowers us to unite with spirit in ways that support us to directly source insight and wisdom.
It opens our hearts to unseen possibilities so that we can begin to vision a new pathway forward. And so much more.
In this week's episode of the Meet Me in Sacred Space Podcast I sink deeper into conversation about why ceremony is the medicine we need right now.
Learn more about my upcoming Class - Take it to Ceremony - Part 1: the Foundations of Ceremony HERE:
Monday Oct 03, 2022
#114 - Forest Vibes and Fall Messages
Monday Oct 03, 2022
Monday Oct 03, 2022
Over the past week I've had some pretty dynamic conversations with friends, colleagues, and clients about inspiring and new possibilities . . . things that would not have been previously considered, yet something feels so right and so aligned that saying yes is the natural and right answer.
I think this is a theme many of us are experiencing.
Doors of new possibility are opening fast right now.
Will you courageously step through?
Or will you hesitate with uncertainty?
My vote's for courageously stepping through the doorway;-)
I feel like the energy unfolding right now is supportive of taking a leap and trusting your soul's guidance. Trust that you have laid a solid foundation for what is next. It is time.
So whatever you have been thinking about . . .
give it a try.
have the difficult yet loving conversation.
open your heart.
sink in a bit deeper.
spend more time doing the things that make you feel alive.
It is time to do things a bit differently. Don't hesitate.
Join me for an 11-day Soulful Treasure Hunt. Sign up here:
Monday Sep 19, 2022
#113 - 4 Fall Equinox Wisdom Practices
Monday Sep 19, 2022
Monday Sep 19, 2022
Fall arrives this week.
Thursday, the 22nd marks the Fall Equinox. This day ushers us across a threshold into the dark half of the year.
It's a wonderful day to sink into ceremony and attune to our voice of inner wisdom. The natural momentum of the season invites us to consider what in our life is ready to be harvested, complete, and surrendered while also creating space for the ideas and dreams we long to nurture through the winter.
In honor of this season change I am going to be hosting a virtual Fall Equinox Ceremony. I would LOVE for you to join me. Sign up here:
Also, in today's episode of the Meet Me in Sacred Space Podcast I share 4 Fall Equinox Wisdom Practices.
Here's what you can expect:
how attune to life's creative cycles by attuning to the seasons.
ways to fully receive your harvest.
suggested reflection questions regarding your harvest and what you would like to plant for the coming season.

Meet Me in Sacred Space Podcast with Lori A Andrus
The Meet Me in Sacred Space Podcast is your place for reconnecting with your authentic self and creating an adventurous, vibrant, and spirit-filled life. Join Lori A Andrus as she gets raw and real sharing personal stories and practical ways to experience the sacred in your everyday life. Listen in to discover practical guidance, crystal wisdom, sacred practices and rituals that will help you courageously live your sacred path!
Grab a cup of tea. Light a candle. Get cozy. And let’s dive in.
Learn more about Lori and join the community here: