Meet Me in Sacred Space with Lori A Andrus

The Meet Me in Sacred Space Podcast is your place for reconnecting with your authentic self and creating an adventurous, vibrant, and spirit-filled life. Join Lori A Andrus as she gets raw and real sharing personal stories and practical ways to experience the sacred in your everyday life. Listen in to discover practical guidance, crystal wisdom, sacred practices and rituals that will help you courageously live your sacred path! Grab a cup of tea. Light a candle. Get cozy. And let’s dive in.
Monday Aug 29, 2022
#111 - Amplify Your Light
Monday Aug 29, 2022
Monday Aug 29, 2022
Throughout the summer, little bits of copper showed up on the road and driveway. Each time I would reach down to pick the found piece up, I would hear the message: Amplify your light.
I found this interesting because I was struggling with a boundary issue. I wanted a solution for that. It took me a bit to realize that actually was the solution I was in search of.
Boundaries and protection have many layers. Some layers are more obvious than others. As we work with them intimately, we begin to understand their dance and the importance of letting our light shine.
In today's episode of the Meet Me in Sacred Space Podcast I sink deeper into this conversation.
Here is what you can expect:
What does it mean to amplify your light.
Why is it important at this time.
How to navigate the dance between boundaries, protection, and shining brightly.
P.S. Ready to deepen your spiritual practice and looking for meaningful ways to do that? I'd like to invite you to join me in the Sanctuary Circle. This sacred space is a place for you to connect with your voice of inner wisdom as you explore the moon cycles, earth rhythms, ceremony, ritual, and sacred practice. Learn more here:
P.P.S. Join us for the Fall Equinox Community Ceremony. Sign up here:
Monday Aug 15, 2022
#110 - In the NOW Crystal Wisdom with Spirit Quartz + Lapis Lazuli
Monday Aug 15, 2022
Monday Aug 15, 2022
I'm always in awe of how aligned each month's crystals are. They show up in a reading at the beginning of the year, revealing just a hint of what is to come. Then, as year progresses, deeper insight and clarity emerges.
Their timing, perfect. Their messages, aligned.
In today's episode of the Meet Me in Sacred Space Podcast I explore 'In the NOW' wisdom and messages from the August crystals of the month: Spirit Quartz and Lapis Lazuli.
Here's what you can expect in this episode:
- How to be more fully present in our day to day lives.
- A gentle call to see what has been hidden.
- An invitation to come into harmony with all facets of self.
- And . . . as a special bonus, I share a bit of flute music to close this week's episode.
Listen in.
Want to sink deeper? Join us in the Sanctuary Medicine Circle. Learn more here:
Monday Aug 08, 2022
#109 - the 8:8 Gateway of Deep Roots, Wisdom, and Light
Monday Aug 08, 2022
Monday Aug 08, 2022
For months I've been dreaming about and drawing gateways.
Gateways that open space for possibility. Gateways that create space for deeper connection. Gateways that attune us to our voice of inner wisdom.
Yesterday, as I attuned to the energy of today's 8-8 Lions Gate Portal another gateway image emerged. I spent time with it, drawing it, attuning to it, inviting forward messages and insights.
Here are a couple of the highlights:
Be unapologetically expressed with love and presence.Become even more present and comfortable in the physicality of life.Allow your authentic fire to light you up.In today's episode of the Meet Me in Sacred Space Podcast I dive deeper into this conversation sharing the wisdom and messages for today's Lion's Gate Portal.
Download the Crystal Coloring Page at
Join the Sanctuary Medicine Circle here:
Monday Aug 01, 2022
#108 - Milestones and Soul Anniversaries
Monday Aug 01, 2022
Monday Aug 01, 2022
This summer marks a significant milestone for both Chris and I.
10 years ago we went on a camping trip to Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore. It's a beautiful spot on the Lake Superior shoreline . . . and a spot that activated a new pathway in our lives.
At the time it was an amazing trip, it felt like something magical happened, but I'm pretty sure neither of us would have anticipated the ways that trip would shift the direction of our lives.
I think each of us have such moments and experiences where suddenly we know ourselves differently or perhaps we see life differently.
Sometimes we immediately recognize the shifts or changes they make in our lives. Other times it may take a decade to recognize the full ripple ;-)
The ripple from that trip has been profound. This summer I have found myself being called to reflect upon many experiences from that summer. A lot happened. Life changed direction.
Small steps = Big leaps.
I made small changes that year. I see now how those small changes created space for some pretty cool things.
Milestones and Soul Anniversaries are important to honor and celebrate. Chris and I have been doing this a lot this summer. It's been fun, magical, and soul nourishing.
In today's episode of the Meet Me in Sacred Space Podcast I dive deeper into this conversation sharing more about milestones, how to recognize and track them, as well as how to celebrate and honor them.
Join the community:
Step into the Sanctuary Membership Circle:
Sunday Jun 05, 2022
Sunday Jun 05, 2022
"How good are you willing to feel?"
This is not always an easy question to answer . . . especially during times when life feels quite the opposite of good.
In a recent interview with Dr. Vanessa Sage, she shared that this is one of the most important questions we can ask ourselves at this time.
As we sank into this soulful conversation I felt this question (that I've previously heard and said many times) in a new way. Something about it landed.
I think I had previously always focused on the word good, but in that moment I felt the significance of the word feel. It reverberated throughout my body . . . reminding me to be in my body, to honor it, and to feel good within it.
Throughout our conversation, Vanessa shared how this question has been a lighthouse for her over the years. She also shared how, in a recent journey deep within, this question not only reignited her passion life, but created a deep experiential understanding of what it means to be of service and live the mystery.
This conversation is rich and deep. Join us for this week's episode of the Meet Me in Sacred Space as we sink in further.
Here are a couple things you can expect in this episode:
Why this question is one of the most important questions we can ask ourselves at this time.
How this question plants a very needed seed of hope.
The value of turning how we really feel.
The power of pivoting and integrating change on the sacred path and in our business.
What service really means.
Living and understanding the mystery.
Giving self permission to speak boldly . . . to be both fierce and gentle.
Learn more about Dr. Vanessa Sage Here:
Learn more about your host, Lori A Andrus, Here:
Sunday May 29, 2022
#106 - Wisdom and Insight from a Maple Tree
Sunday May 29, 2022
Sunday May 29, 2022
This past week was busy. Very busy. I found myself immersed in both expected and unexpected projects while trying to gracefully navigate the mixed emotions that popped up along the way.
That was not always easy.
One of the unexpected bits that happened last week was that we had to have a tree taken down. Letting it go was emotional for me.
As I leaned into the emotions, I found myself called to journey and connect with the tree in that way. It was powerful. The tree had a lot to share. The surrounding plants had a lot to share. Spirit had a lot to share. And the process of having that tree removed, with reverence, unfolded in magical ways (I share more of this story in this week's podcast episode).
Our relationship with nature is important. It is a point of connection to the rhythm of life, to our inner worlds, and to Spirit.
In this week's episode of the Meet Me in Sacred Space I sink deeper into some of the wisdom my maple tree shared along with the experiences I had in navigating my emotions around saying goodbye to this tree.
Here are a couple things you can expect in this episode:
Leaning into our emotions, allowing them to flow, be felt, and to be expressed in meaningful ways.
Another message from Black Tourmaline for the month of May.
Creating space for Spirit to create magic and bring things together in ways we could not otherwise see as possible.
How to be fully present with all that we feel and channeling those feelings into creative expression.
The importance of reverence in our relationship with nature.
And an invitation to join me for my upcoming 11-day Into the Forest Journey.
Want to learn more about my upcoming Into the Forest 11-day Journey? Learn more + Sign up here:
Sunday May 22, 2022
#105 - Talking with Black Tourmaline the May Crystal of the Month
Sunday May 22, 2022
Sunday May 22, 2022
Here are a couple things you can expect in this episode:
The many and subtle ways we experience nature and the natural world in our day to day lives.
Messages from Black Tourmaline for the month of May.
Finding a doorway of connection with the natural world.
The ways that Black Tourmaline offers energetic protection.
How black tourmaline attunes us to the subtle ways day to day life activities affect our sense of being grounded, centered, and deeply connected.
Cultivating our awareness regarding what supports our energy and what scatters our energy.
Finding amazing local places for connecting with nature.
And an invitation to join me for my upcoming 'Into the Forest 11-day Journey'. Learn more here:
Learn more about Lori's programs and services here:
Sunday May 15, 2022
#104 - Listening to the Land
Sunday May 15, 2022
Sunday May 15, 2022
Here are a couple things you can expect in this episode:
Insights and messages regarding the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse.
How do the natural rhythms and cycles support the momentum of our path.
How listening aligns us with magical moments.
How nature mirrors and illuminates the cycles of creation.
The breakdown, end of life phase of the creative cycle can appear messy and chaotic.
Finding our way through resistance on a healing or transformational journey.
Supporting and being supported by the earth as we move through creative cycles.
Listen to my recent interview on the Honor Your Trues Story Podcast with Antonia Nelson:
Join the Community:
Join the Sanctuary Circle:

Meet Me in Sacred Space Podcast with Lori A Andrus
The Meet Me in Sacred Space Podcast is your place for reconnecting with your authentic self and creating an adventurous, vibrant, and spirit-filled life. Join Lori A Andrus as she gets raw and real sharing personal stories and practical ways to experience the sacred in your everyday life. Listen in to discover practical guidance, crystal wisdom, sacred practices and rituals that will help you courageously live your sacred path!
Grab a cup of tea. Light a candle. Get cozy. And let’s dive in.
Learn more about Lori and join the community here: