Meet Me in Sacred Space with Lori A Andrus

The Meet Me in Sacred Space Podcast is your place for reconnecting with your authentic self and creating an adventurous, vibrant, and spirit-filled life. Join Lori A Andrus as she gets raw and real sharing personal stories and practical ways to experience the sacred in your everyday life. Listen in to discover practical guidance, crystal wisdom, sacred practices and rituals that will help you courageously live your sacred path! Grab a cup of tea. Light a candle. Get cozy. And let’s dive in.
Sunday May 01, 2022
#102 - Into the Forest I Must Go . . .
Sunday May 01, 2022
Sunday May 01, 2022
Happy Beltane!
Today we officially arrive at the midpoint of the Spring Season.
This is such a sweet time. It's the time in which we really begin to see and feel the awakening and renewal that comes with the spring season.
Between yesterday's new moon, the partial solar eclipse, and today's season midpoint, this is a great time to get outside and spend some quality time in nature.
Over the past week Koda and I did just that. We went camping. The weather was a bit chilly, but the camper was cozy. The trails were dry and the beach was empty and it felt like we had the entire park to ourselves. We roamed the forest listening to the spring peepers, watching the birds begin to nest, and Koda lit up when I gave her a bit of off leash play time . . . she even went for a dip in Lake Michigan.
This little getaway was just the soul food I was needing.
Life get's busy. During busy times it can feel difficult to step back for a little nature time. The thing is, taking restorative time is exactly what helps us return to ourselves so that we can be fully present in our day to day lives.
This week's episode of Meet Me in Sacred Space takes us into the forest. Join me.
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Wednesday Apr 20, 2022
#101 - Welcome to the Meet Me in Sacred Space Podcast
Wednesday Apr 20, 2022
Wednesday Apr 20, 2022
Welcome Back!
In alignment with this season of rebirth, change, and transformation, the podcast has also gone through a bit of change. To begin with, you will notice a new name and cover art. The Crystal Shaman Life Podcast has officially changed to Meet Me in Sacred Space.
Spring is a season of rebirth, change, and transformation. As nature springs to life, we may also recognize this within ourselves. There are subtle ways our heartfelt hopes, ideas, and dreams begin to bloom and take form. As they do, we begin to make shifts to align with them.
This week, in the first episode of the Meet Me in Sacred Space Podcast, the space is opened through a bit of conversation about the podcast and what I plan to share with you through it . . . and along the way, there's a bit of storytelling and background. Listen in and Meet Me in Sacred Space.
Learn more about Lori and Join the Community at
Sink in deeper by joining the Sanctuary Membership Circle. Sign up here:
Tuesday Mar 29, 2022
#100 - Looking Back. Looking Forward.
Tuesday Mar 29, 2022
Tuesday Mar 29, 2022
Magic is brewing here in my studio.
Fresh jewelry designs are being prepped for the upcoming April online show and sale. Website changes have unfolded (perhaps a few more to come). And I've been designing the new cover art for the podcast.
Yes, you heard that right, new cover art for the podcast.
As we arrive at episode 100 this week I find myself reflecting on some of the podcast highlights. That was really fun to do. Several themes jumped out along with many great memories.
Change is beautiful. As we receive the gifts from what is complete, we create space for what is being created. This is the final episode of the Crystal Shaman Life podcast. But don't worry . . . the podcast is evolving. It is my hope that you will come to know and love the new podcast name: Meet Me in Sacred Space.
I will share the first episode of Meet Me in Sacred Space on April 19th. Between now and then, enjoy a journey through the archive. It's rich and filled with so much wisdom and insight.
Enjoy Episode 100.
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Shop Journey Jewels Jewelry Show + Sale April 7-11 -
Thursday Jun 20, 2019
#025 - Summer Solstice Crystal Grid + Messages
Thursday Jun 20, 2019
Thursday Jun 20, 2019
Happy Summer Solstice, Sacred Friends!
In this week's episode I'm diving into some of my favorite crystals for the summer season . . . crystals that support us in cultivating a an empowered relationship with the energy of our emotions and with power so that we may deepen into a sense of freedom.
As we dive into this episode, you can expect to not only discover great crystal allies for this season, but also their seasonal messages and wisdom.
Tuesday May 07, 2019
#024 - Let's talk crystals - The May Crystal Altar of the Month
Tuesday May 07, 2019
Tuesday May 07, 2019
Last week as we stepped into this new month we also stepped into the second half of the Spring season (and the 2nd half of the fall season for those of you in the Southern hemisphere).
Did you notice that subtle energy shift last week? Vibrant, creative energy is flowing in and inviting us to spring to life in new and unexpected ways.
So, with this change of month, I made some changes to my altar, updating the crystals to reflect the May Crystals of the Month.
Back in January, I did a 12 month crystal forecast, highlighting one crystal for each month as well as one crystal for the year. Each month, I shift my altar to reflect the new monthly stones. Not only has this been so much fun, but it has also been a great way to sink deeper into the collective energy and message each month.
This months altar features Rainbow Moonstone + Brecciated Jasper. It is stunning and it's got a rich message to share as we unleash our creative spirits. Tune in to this week's episode and discover what it wants to share.
Wishing you a beautiful week!Shine brightly, Lori
P.S. Want to awaken your inner explorer and embark on a free 4-day sacred adventure? Sign up for my FREE Crystal Shaman Spirit Quest Here:
Tuesday Apr 30, 2019
#023 - Let's talk Ceremony + Ritual
Tuesday Apr 30, 2019
Tuesday Apr 30, 2019
Over the past couple of week's I've been sharing a series of podcast episodes about the Four Facets of Crystal Shamanism: crystal connection, earth relationship, shamanic journeying, and this week, ceremony and ritual.
Yes, I've been saving my favorite for last . . . Ceremony + Ritual.
Since embarking on the shamanic path in 2007, ceremony and ritual have been a central part of my life and my work. I feel like they are a powerful way to reconnect with self, with the sacred, and with the magic of life.
In this week's episode of the Crystal Shaman Life podcast, I share the many great benefits of bringing ceremony and ritual into your daily life as well as some of the elements that make ceremony and ritual unique practices.
Yes, ceremony and ritual are two very different practices. Have you ever noticed how so often those words are used interchangeably? It's a lot! And perhaps you have even wondered what the difference is or if there really is one or what is the most accurate word to use to describe some of your favorite sacred practices.
Well, this week's episode will shed a bit of light on their differences as well.
Wishing you a beautiful week!
Shine Brightly,
Tuesday Apr 23, 2019
#022 - Discovering new realms with shamanic journeying
Tuesday Apr 23, 2019
Tuesday Apr 23, 2019
Happy Earth Day (yesterday) . . . Week . . . Month . . . Year!Ok, how about every day is Earth Day!But let me say, mama Earth was feeling the love yesterday and she's super grateful
Tuesday Apr 09, 2019
#021 - Exhaling into Earth Relationship
Tuesday Apr 09, 2019
Tuesday Apr 09, 2019
In this week's episode of the Crystal Shaman Life podcast I'm diving into the 2nd Facet of Crystal Shamanism: Earth Relationship.
Mmm . . . I love this topic!
Over the years, as I've been walking the path of the crystal shaman, I've been noticing how much more attuned I have become to my local landscape, and to the sacred sites in this area. Yes, Northeast Wisconsin is filled with sacred sites and energy centers! Something I truly never would have imagined prior to embarking on the path of the crystal shaman.
In 2008, when I went to Peru for the very first time, I was so excited to visit the ancient sites. I envisioned myself sitting in places such as Machu Picchu and Ollantaytambo receiving incredible energetic transmissions and profound insights.
But to my surprise, on the very first day of our journey, the shaman took us on a hike, through a field, to what looked like a random rock in the middle of nowhere.
While we were there, music was played, offerings were made, and Adolpho shared the significance of both this rock and this random spot in the middle of the field. It wasn't a random rock in the middle of nowhere, it was a very sacred spot with a deep connection to the ancient mountain spirits.
This left me wondering . . . how many times had I simply walked passed sites of spiritual significance with complete disregard because they didn't look as though I imagined? What I was overlooking within my own local landscape? And, how could I begin to cultivate a deep and meaningful relationship with the earth.
Yep, that experience left my mind whirling. And it left me determined to deepen my relationship with the earth.
So where and how did I start? . . . In my own backyard. :-)
Each of us has a unique way of communicating and connecting with the earth. This episode invites you to discover how the earth is already communicating with you and how you can begin to respond to it in ways that feel natural.
Spring Enrollment is NOW OPEN for the Crystal Shaman Initiation Program.
Download the Spring Enrollment Guidebook here:

Meet Me in Sacred Space Podcast with Lori A Andrus
The Meet Me in Sacred Space Podcast is your place for reconnecting with your authentic self and creating an adventurous, vibrant, and spirit-filled life. Join Lori A Andrus as she gets raw and real sharing personal stories and practical ways to experience the sacred in your everyday life. Listen in to discover practical guidance, crystal wisdom, sacred practices and rituals that will help you courageously live your sacred path!
Grab a cup of tea. Light a candle. Get cozy. And let’s dive in.
Learn more about Lori and join the community here: