Meet Me in Sacred Space with Lori A Andrus

The Meet Me in Sacred Space Podcast is your place for reconnecting with your authentic self and creating an adventurous, vibrant, and spirit-filled life. Join Lori A Andrus as she gets raw and real sharing personal stories and practical ways to experience the sacred in your everyday life. Listen in to discover practical guidance, crystal wisdom, sacred practices and rituals that will help you courageously live your sacred path! Grab a cup of tea. Light a candle. Get cozy. And let’s dive in.
Wednesday Feb 06, 2019
#019 - 6 simple (and fun) crystal practices you can do today
Wednesday Feb 06, 2019
Wednesday Feb 06, 2019
I'm curious, did you happen to catch last week's episode of the Crystal Shaman Life podcast? . . . the 2019 crystal forecast. Find the replay + video here:
There's something really potent about doing such a reading. The crystals that show up, are both offering insights and also extending their support for the coming year. This is super cool! And it is why I do this reading (for both the collective and for myself) each year.
But readings don't carry a whole lot of weight unless we find ways to take action upon their insights. You may have even been feeling like 'hey Lori, this is reading is great, but now what do I do with it'.
That's often what happens with readings and when working with crystals. They are sparkly. The messages touch us deeply. And yet, we are left with that question . . . what do I do with this?
And, guess what . . . the answer to this question is the MOST important step of any reading.
So in this week's episode of Crystal Shaman Life podcast, I'm sharing 6 of my go-to crystal practices for integrating a crystal reading into my everyday life.
These practices are simple, fun, and something you can do today!
Listen in!
Tuesday Jan 29, 2019
#018 - 2019 Crystal Forecast
Tuesday Jan 29, 2019
Tuesday Jan 29, 2019
I'm a bit slow on getting this message out, but here it is, just in time for February; the 2019 Crystal Forecast.
Each year I love to do both a personal crystal reading as well as a collective crystal forecast. It's always interesting to see which crystals want to show up as allies for the year.
So last Friday I popped on for a FB Live and drew the crystals for 2019. I've turned that video into a podcast episode that I would love to share with you here.
This years reading did not disappoint . . . oh my goodness, it's going to be a heart centered, love-filled, creative year! And 13 amazing crystals and stones are showing up to support us. Listen in and discover what the crystals had to share.
Want to check out the video? Watch here:
Friday Jan 25, 2019
Friday Jan 25, 2019
I was awakened a little after 5 this morning as a text popped in from a dear friend sharing this link. I was stunned last year when Doreen renounced her 'New Age Practices', left her career as a writer of oracle cards, training angel readers and mediums to become born again.
But this post, ugh . . . I am so greatly disappointed.
I get that she may feel called to a different path. I get that she may feel a connection with Jesus that she didn't feel before. Actually, I celebrate that. I celebrate ALL who find a spiritual relationship that is meaningful and fulfilling.
But, I also suspect that something very painful unfolded in her life, something that she has been unable to cope with at such a level that she is not only clinging to something that she feels will save her, but that she needs to also project her pain upon what she is defining as the new age world.
I do not see the 'new age' world as she describes. Nor do I see any of the sacred practices from shamanism to oracle cards, divination, sacred geometry, spirit guides, drumming, angels and all other sacred practices through the lens described here.
These statements are dark and shadowy generalizations that not only vilify a community that supported her 50+ books and decks of oracle cards, but are filled with untruths written in such a way that they trigger fear, anger, projection, rejection, and judgement.
We live within a truly unique and delicate time. This is a time for unification. It is a time to seek commonality. It is a time to open our hearts to each other. It is a time to discover and uncover truth. This article is not truth. This article is incredibly misleading. And Doreen's willingness to speak with authority in this way deeply saddens me.
I believe in fairies. I believe in angels. I believe that the sound of my drum connects me with a Universal rhythm. I believe my drum connects me with the Divine, one true Source that is beyond any name or single identity. A Source that is so vast our full perception of it is inconceivable and it is only through our willingness to recognize the many expressions of Divinity present in all of life that we can even begin to fathom God's greatness . . . a greatness so immense I will not dismiss the possibility that there is intelligent life beyond humanity. I will not dismiss the ways the Divine expresses himself/herself through the trees, the crystals, the animals, the seasons, the weather, the angels, the fairies, the unicorns, the ascended masters (including Jesus), the oracle cards, the tarot, the bells, sacred geometry, sacred art, and so much more.
And, through all of this, I thank you, Doreen. Your post is creating an opportunity for me to be even more resolute and steadfast in my love for the infinite expressions of the Divine and the infinite possibilities in connecting and deepening my unique relationship with the Divine.
It is my hope that you too will see through these statements and create space and opportunity to deepen into your unique relationship with the Divine
Here is a link to my fb post:

Meet Me in Sacred Space Podcast with Lori A Andrus
The Meet Me in Sacred Space Podcast is your place for reconnecting with your authentic self and creating an adventurous, vibrant, and spirit-filled life. Join Lori A Andrus as she gets raw and real sharing personal stories and practical ways to experience the sacred in your everyday life. Listen in to discover practical guidance, crystal wisdom, sacred practices and rituals that will help you courageously live your sacred path!
Grab a cup of tea. Light a candle. Get cozy. And let’s dive in.
Learn more about Lori and join the community here: